A Year Asking Questions

Mockingbirds are master imitators, and can mimic the calls of many other birds. They’re also fearless protectors of their nest, and will attack any bird (no matter how large) to protect their young. Mockingbird’s lesson for you today is twofold: to listen to how you might be mimicking others—instead of listening to your own true voice; and to examine the value of what you defend. Hmmm?

There are years that ask questions and years that answer them. This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors, Zora Neale Hurston. I've really felt 2001 to 2010 have been years of asking hard questions, and was looking forward to 2011 as a year of answers. Nope. A bit naive to think that a new year would usher such a monumental sea change so quickly. Oh, and really, what do I really have to complain about.

2011 has been ratcheting up thus far. As always when traditional sources fail to offer insight into a situation, I turn to the esoteric. Today, it's a quick look into animal totems, which seems to be a developing theme for the new year.

According to the mockingbird, I am to consider that I am not listening to my own voice, and that I should examine the value of what I defend. My immediate reaction is to agree that I should investigate both. Although I am mixing my metaphors, what I know is that I am coiling and uncoiling with restlessness and the impulse to drop the skin of my old life and I'm feeling impulsive enough I may just do it.

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