30 Poems in 30 Days - Twenty-six: Pernicious

The following is Poets & Writers poetry challenge for April 26:

Choose a word or phrase you find yourself saying often (e.g. like, totally, hate, really, kind of) and write a poem using it as much as possible, turning it over and over, repositioning it, extending it, playing with its uses and the parts of speech into which it can be shaped.

I love the words alchemy and peripatetic, but I'm really leaning to pernicious at this moment. I'll see if I can calm myself down. In any case, I'll be back in to write the poem later this evening. In the meantime why don't you try writing a poem based on a often-used word.

I was watching The United States of Tara, basically procrastinating writing this poem, when I got the idea to steal dialogue and switch it up a bit.


come inside my world
same pernicious time,tomorrow
pernicious you, pernicious me
pernited kismet, ying to my yang
a warning: this per-ni-ci-ous damage
does not hold together

well, well, well
do you understnd you are not
the boss of this perniciuos process?
really, well then, prepare to get pernicused

where do you think you are perning going?
the elements have conspired perniciously
can't you feel it?
the perny eye of the storm
is out there watching

what are you perning going to do about it?
this is the perniciousing real world
you have to be smart as pern
or the system will eat you
it's so perniciousing exhausting

it is about pernicious time to get out
of this perning basement
I'm running out of pernicioused things to say
for pern's sake, will you please start talking?

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